February 19, 2025

Horace Puerta

Comfortable Home Planning

You Don’t Need To Be An Interior Designer To Plan Spaces


If you’re anything like me, you probably get a little overwhelmed by the idea of decorating a home. It seems like there are so many different things to consider when deciding what to do with the floors and walls and ceiling that it can seem like an insurmountable task. But let me tell you: It’s not! You don’t need to be an expert in interior design in order to plan spaces. In fact, anyone can learn how to do it—and they should because everyone loves a nice-looking house! So whether you’re just starting out as an amateur designer or have been doing this for years, here are some tips on making sure your house looks great no matter what style it is:

Start with the big picture.

When you’re first creating a space, it’s important to start with the big picture. Think about what you want your space to look like and feel like. Do you want it to be bright and open? Or do you prefer darker tones and more intimate spaces? Once you’ve figured out what kind of environment feels right for your interior design project, then move on to the details: choosing furniture pieces that match the overall theme; deciding on lighting options; choosing where artwork should go in each room (or if there will be any at all).

Create a master plan.

Before you start planning, it’s important to define the problem. If your goal is to be more physically active and improve your health, what does that mean? How will you know when it’s been achieved?

The best way to set goals is by creating a master plan that outlines both long-term and short term objectives. This can be as simple as writing down some broad ideas of where you want things in your home or office, then breaking those down into smaller steps like choosing paint colors or deciding on furniture pieces. You can also get really specific with how much time per week or month (or year) that each task will take so that everything stays on track!

Work to the budget.

Once you’ve decided what kind of space you want to create, it’s time to figure out how much money you have to work with. Don’t just pull numbers out of thin air–use our handy guide on how to get an accurate budget! Then, check that budget against your new plans. Maybe they don’t match up? That’s fine! Just make sure that every decision and purchase is well thought-out, because this is the last chance before spending any real money (and who knows when we’ll get another one?).

Choose a design style.

Choose a design style that suits your personality, the space and its function, and budget. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some basic guidelines:

  • Traditional styles tend to be more formal and use traditional materials like wood paneling or marble flooring. They also tend to feature larger furniture pieces in contrast with modern styles that often have smaller furniture pieces and lighter colors.
  • Modern styles are clean lines with lots of white space in order to make them feel more open and airy (think Scandinavian). They often use minimalistic elements such as glass tables or metal chairs instead of wood ones because they want everything else around them so stand out more than anything else!

Create an inspiring mood board for each room.

A mood board is a great way to visualize your design ideas. It’s basically a collage of inspiration that helps you figure out what you want in each room of your home. You can make them as simple or complex as you like–it’s up to you!

You might be wondering how exactly this works, so let me show you an example:

The first step is choosing some colours and patterns for your mood board. These images below are from Pinterest (or Instagram), but there are lots of other websites where people share their own boards–you could even make one yourself! Next comes deciding on furniture pieces and accessories that would work well in each space. Some items may already be available in stores near where we live, while others might need us ordering online or buying them secondhand somewhere else around town. Finally comes putting everything together on our actual walls so we know exactly how everything looks together before making any decisions about rearranging anything later down the road.”

Create a list of things to buy and check with the budget, too.

Once you’ve got the big stuff in mind, it’s time to start making a list of things you’ll need for each room. Then, check that list against your budget. If you don’t have enough money to buy everything on it, consider whether the items are essential or can wait until later in the renovation process.

For example: If one of your rooms needs new flooring but there’s no way it can happen right away because of budget constraints (or other reasons), just write down “flooring” on your shopping list and move on–don’t stress about finding another option for now! Once the rest of your spaces are renovated, then perhaps consider buying new flooring for this room as well; or maybe not at all? That depends on how much wear-and-tear has occurred since its last update…

Get some inspiration from magazines, Pinterest, blogs and more.

  • Magazines. The best way to find inspiration is by looking at magazines. You can go through all of the pages and see what styles you like, or you can look at specific sections (like kitchens or bedrooms) that are relevant to your project.
  • Pinterest. If you’re more of a visual person, Pinterest is a great place for finding ideas on how people have decorated their homes in different ways. You may even stumble upon some ideas that are completely off-the-wall!
  • Blogs/YouTube channels: Some bloggers and vloggers will show off their homes as part of their content–and they often include pictures as well!

You don’t have to be an expert in home design to plan spaces

You don’t need to be an expert in home design to plan spaces. With the right tools, it’s easy and rewarding!

You can do it yourself! There are plenty of resources online that can help you figure out what kind of furniture will fit in your space, how much storage space is needed, etc.

It’s fun and rewarding! When people come over for dinner parties or other events at your house, they’ll admire how beautiful it looks–and not just because you made them delicious food! You’ll be proud of your home because it reflects who you are as a person: organized, practical but also stylish (and maybe even a little bit artsy).


If you’re looking for a way to get started with home design, we encourage you to take the plunge and start planning your own spaces. Whether it’s your bedroom or living room, there are so many ways that you can make it more stylish and functional without spending a fortune on new furniture or expensive renovations. The most important thing is that you have fun with it!